More Info About ICO

Start DateJune 06, 2020
End DateJune 27, 2020

After years of extensive and tiresome experiences with the traditional casting industry iCasting was founded in 2013. The founders had a vision to change and boost this industry as we know it. A goal to make the unnecessarily difficult and slow processes within this industry simple, cheap and quick, while giving both parties the control and security they deserve.

Founder & CEO
Founder & COO
Founder & CCO
Twitter feed is not available at the moment.
Price1 TLNT = 0.07 EUR Sale350,000,000 Payment ModeETH
Minimum InvestmentN/A Distribution55% RaisedN/A
Soft Cap2,000,000 EUR Hard Cap13,750,000 EUR (TLNT) ICO start date, end date, financial information, whitepaper, team and other important information.